
Our looks



In the era of artificial beauty and superficial glamour, Biliana Yotovska still believes that beauty comes from within and success is achieved with tireless work, persistence and endless pursuit of perfection. Born in 1984 in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, even as a young woman she impressed with her artistic skills and was able to graduate from the National Academy of Arts at an early age.

Biliana was a successful ballet dancer and a top fitness model at the age of 23, an author of two bestsellers and an owner of multiple business ventures by the age of 33. Her broad set of skills and achievements has inspired many young women of her generation.



In the limelight, Biliana Yotovska is well known as one of the most recognizable fitness models in Bulgaria and abroad. She has been on the covers of many famous magazines and was a star of several TV shows and commercials.



Biliana Yotovska is Bulgaria’s most successful representative in the IFBB (International Federation of Body Building and Fitness) competitions and a part of the global fitness elite. She has won many competitions including:

- An overall winner in one of the most renowned fitness competitions “Fort Lauderdale Cup NPC” held in Florida in 2015, and bikini overall winner in “NPC Southeastern USA” also in 2015

- A winner of one of the most prestigious fitness competitions in the world "Flex Bikini Model Search" during the Olympia weekend held in Las Vegas in 2016



Biliana Yotovska is one of the youngest business women in Bulgaria. She started her career at the age of 18 as a ballet dancer and a professional fitness model. After winning multiple titles, she developed several innovative training programs and wrote two bestselling books. One of her major achievements throughout the years is the launch of her successful fashion brand “Biliana Yotovska Label”.